
Digital Artwork

I am inspired by the world around me and like to twist and  mix it to give it meaning. I make digital images that share with the world what I am feeling, see, hearing or experiencing in the hope that it resonates and gives life to the experience of others as well. I use my own photos and combine them with images, feelings, words and journaling practices.


I also provide creative journal practice for large and small corporate groups.

thinking in motion_5x7Landscape
Anti Discrimination Commission and Marsden Families Program

A three day event bring government and communities together to explore solutions to the social issues that matter. Click the image to see more.

Uniting Care Queensland

The example here is from a large two day convention with Uniting Care Community. They had pulled together two hundred of their clients, friends and staff  to work with them to plan their future. I was invited along to make a digital journal of the two days. Click the image to see more. You can read more about the work they are doing here.

Examples of my work

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