How do you describe the distance left by years of separation. The kind of distance that doesn’t grow, but rather, still feels like the pain of that first moment of separation. That emptiness, that feeling of something, some part of...
Yes, that’s right, a nest. A great big giant empty nest. It’s an installation piece that is placed out on the foreshore while the tide is at its lowest point and then removed when the tide is coming back in....
Sometimes we forget we have bodies. That is such a true statement for me. If I’m in the studio, or at the computer, anytime I am engrossed in what I am doing, I can forget to move, forget the connection...
So, here we are, right smack bang in the middle of summer. So much has happened since my winter solstice. When we have big and profound events occur in our life, it gives us markers from which we measure time....
We know already that rituals help us mark the ebb and flow of our life journey, celebrations and passing and transitions of all descriptions. However, rituals hold the power to enhance and beautify the small moments of each day as...
A couple of weeks ago I posted about how I was feeling pretty cruddy and the seven main things I discovered most people experience when they are down. So I thought it would be cool to share the things I...