A little while ago I was feel like crud most of the time and nothing seemed to be working. I started reading about happiness in an attempt to find out what I was missing. Thats when I realised how messy...
My last workshop was about learning the correct alignment so as to ensure your students are not going to injure themselves and to ensure that they get the most out of their practices. Something really shifted in this class for...
I used to believe I could never own a home, then I bought my own home. I used to believe I could never lose weight, then I lost 30 kilos. I used to believe that I couldn’t even run for...
Quite a few years ago, signed up to a course of aerial yoga. A few classes in, the friend I was doing it with hurt his back and couldn’t continue, so I didn’t go back either. I was so chicken, I...
As part of our training we have to practice teaching. I though this would be easy. I though I could do this with my hands tied behind my back. lol!! I have to set up quite an involved program for...
In 1997 I started my Reiki training. I did my training under Tony Van Lambaart. I took a very traditional lineage and the major part of the study was the metaphysics of disease. Since then I have relied upon that knowledge...