Where Does Your Life Exist?




There is nothing more wonderful than getting to know oneself.

The journey within starts with one question:

Who am I?

Humans are magnificent wanderers through time and space; radiant beings of love and light, we are masters of our own worlds. We are co-creators, each of us having our sacred purpose.

There is no secret:

Our purpose is to live a fulfilled existence and to awaken to our true nature.

Finding your authenticity and devoting your life to fully express yourself is the key to inner peace and joy. There are many ways – ancient paths that were left for us to follow or discover.

It all begins with our first step inward.

There is nothing more wonderful than getting to know oneself. The journey within starts with one question: Who am I? Am I a mother? A painter? A therapist? A healer? An accountant? A divine being of light? A teacher? A lawyer? An athlete?

What defines me as a whole person?

Where does my joy of living come from?

What do I crave?

What emotions rule my life on a daily basis?

Who do I surround myself with?

What kind of people am I closest to?

What makes my heart sing?

Where do I come from?

Who do I know myself to be?

Asking ourselves the fundamental question ‘Who am I?’ opens a dimension of profound inner healing and awareness. The answers to this question doesn’t come easily as we were taught by society to hide and role-play.

What matters is our courage, our bravery, and our belief in our self, but most of all, our self-love.

The most self-loving act is initiating the process of bringing to the surface all that is hidden in the subconscious mind. Questioning our lives, our choices and even our feelings, reveals priceless aspects of ourselves. Once we shed light on what drives us, we become masters and end the slavery of the unconscious mind.
Once we become masters;

We become alchemists.

Thus being able to experience health of mind, body and soul, inner peace, joy and love. This process of questioning ourselves is extremely rewarding; it’s similar to a profound cleansing that promotes well-being on all levels, connecting us with our inner truth and authentic beauty.
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