Cleansing Ritual
I wanted to give you a bit of a heads up on how you can cleanse your environment and soul when you want to transition to a new phase. It might be a change in season, it might be time for a clean out, maybe you’ve just finished studying and are about to start holidays, or you’re about to have a baby. Whatever the reason, taking time to cleanse and rejuvenate is a beautiful way to prepare yourself for the new and to let go of the old.
I invite you to join me, to take time out to farewell that which is no longer part of who you are and prepare your heart, yours soul and your environment for the new beauty that lay ahead of you.
Cleansing Ritual
What you need
Smudge stick – I like sage for cleansing
White candle
Friends and loved ones to help. You can do this on your own, but its more fun with a few of you together.
Fresh flowers.
Start your cleansing ritual
With your friends, you can all take part, working together or going one at a time. But make it fun, energetic and exciting!!
Walk through the room making noise – clap, yell, scream, beat a drum – anything – but get that noise into the corner – shake up that stagnant energy and breath fire into it.
Walk all through the room with your candle – the point is to bring the purifying light from the whit candle into all the dark corners of your home. Make sure you bring light to the corners and cupboards and under beds etc.
Walk all through the room with your smudge stick – you want to waft that smoke into every little corner and crevice. You want the room filled with smoke till its fogging up your vision! as you do so, sing, yell or scream the following:
Only good may enter here!!
When you have thoroughly cleansed every area of your home inside and out with noise light and sage, go to the front door (the door most likely to be used by guests) stand outside looking toward the door, and take a moment to gently close your eyes and give thanks for your beautiful home. Open your eyes and say:
This home is blessed,
And its heart is in me.
Blessed be.
And if you think a friend would enjoy this cleansing ritual, share this page with them !!