Connections with the earth

January 28, 2015

Sometimes we forget we have bodies.

That is such a true statement for me. If I’m in the studio, or at the computer, anytime I am engrossed in what I am doing, I can forget to move, forget the connection I have with my body.

I’m reading a book called ‘The Art of Communication’ by Thich Nhat Hanh. He speaks of the loneliness we feel when we spend our time isolated and caught in our own world’s of technology and doing, and he suggests that walking on the earth heals our alienation.

I agree.

When I connect with my environment, with the world around me I am immediately bought back to life. It’s so true that when I take a moment, breathe deep, and be mindful something shifts.

Often at work, I try to wander down to the local park for lunch. While there, I sit and connect myself to what’s around me, realign with ‘nature’. When I head back to the office I am enlivened and ready to start again.

When I’m painting, one of my favourite things to do is crank the music and do a crazy dance for a while. I have to make all the parts of my body move in the most uncoordinated way possible. And, if it’s night and I’m alone, I go out into the yard and speak to the moon. I stand under the giant poinciana tree and whisper my secrets to the her bright glowing face.

Connecting with the earth or our natural environment serves as a point of reconnection, not just with our bodies, but with our deepest soul self.

Works for me.

Does it work for you?


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