
September 23, 2014


As part of our training we have to practice teaching. I though this would be easy. I though I could do this with my hands tied behind my back. lol!!

I have to set up quite an involved program for for a couple of people around a specific area. I have my partner committed to this as he is training for a marathon so we are going to work on a yoga practice for runners. Secondly, I have a friend committed to working with me around some on going issues with his knees. This will be quite fun as he will do his practice with his two young daughters. In addition, I have been pestering friends about coming for practice classes with me.

However, I haven’t taken tangible action on any of these. A class I had booked with some friends got cancelled and I had made myself so anxious about it in the lead up that I was a little put out when they cancelled. Then, when they offered to reschedule to an hour later than the planned time, I panicked and realised that I had been given an “out” and I was just about to lose it. lol. I quickly told them it was ok, and have done nothing about rescheduling with them! I had a beer with the ‘knee guy’ yesterday and while making excuses to him about why I hadn’t done anything, I just had to stop and say “actually, I’m just frightened” (Satya).

I’m afraid I’m going to have to get into action soon. Jump in, flounder, find my way. Im getting there.
I have to practice. practice, practice….

Put one foot in front of the other.

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